For Everyone to Like Reading Even More
- A Revolution in Reading Books
Active Book Dialogue ® Opens the Door to the Future
Welcome to the ultra-participatory reading group, which everyone in the world could participate
Developer: Soutaro Takenouchi
Welcome to the ultra-participatory reading group, which everyone in the world could participate
Developer: Soutaro Takenouchi
Active Book Dialogue Japanese Manual was released in April 2017, after three years of development and trial period. Over the past year, well over a thousand several hundred downloads has been recorded, spreading rapidly throughout Japan, utilized in educational institution , companies and in various study group communities. It is becoming a tool to connect people through books.
We are releasing English manual this time. I hope that we can promote precious experiences of reading, touching the wisdom of mankind and connect with people all over the world in more fun and creative way.
Let's read, present, and enjoy the dialogue with the active book dialogue!
Developer of Active Book Dialogue Soutaro Takenouchi
ABD Might Change the World
Testimonial by Kenshu Kamura, Repersentative Director of ©home’s vi, NPO Ba to Tsunagari Lab
ABD Might Change the World
Testimonial by Kenshu Kamura, Repersentative Director of ©home’s vi, NPO Ba to Tsunagari Lab
When Mr. Takenouchi who is a supporter of my organization taught me how to do this reading method, I strongly felt that this method might change the world. As a facilitator, I have hosted numerous dialogues and learning opportunities, but I felt difficulty in managing reading sessions. Asking participants to read the books in advance leave out some people who did not read, reading the book in turns takes time, and having just a presenting session felt unsatisfactory.
This reading book called Active Book Dialogue ® (ABD) was by far superior than other methodologies. I felt the possibility of reinventing the social structure from the concept, "If there is one book, everyone can learn deeply", filling the education inequality between regions, changing the way to run a class, and creation of community of learners who share similar interests and learn from each other. Please begin by experiencing it first. You will be surprised at the possibilities that this methodology provides.
A book is a collective of wisdom that mankind has accumulated since history was born. If any person can touch, talk and learn from that wisdom, not only among those who are avid readers, what kind of future will be waiting for us? I am very excited about this future I see.
There are countless wisdoms in each country and culture in the world. Let us lead the world to the next stage through ABD, which allows people from different background, position, and generation to learn from each other.
Dr. Bob Stilger
recommends ABD as following:“ABD is one of the most powerful ways I have seen for a group of people to come together, read a book in parts, share insights and inspirations, and have a conversation about what it means. One of the things that has impressed me is the speed with which all this happens — without rushing. This is truly a remarkable addition of tools for understanding.”
You can download a manual
This manual has been created by a team of volunteers who were inspired by the developer’s intention to improve reading and learning for more people. It explains how to run ABD and a list of things to prepare in advance, based on past experiences. If you are also inspired or felt the potential of this methodology, we would love your support to spread ABD.
special Thanks
This English Website and a free manual was released with support from Yoko Kawashima.
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